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GRE Elk River Station Site

Completion Date : Summer 2021

Rachel was contracted to restore the hillside of the highway where a former GRE Power Plant used to be. Under a separate contract, the plant was demolished & our job was to import a large amount common to fill the void. Our contract also included abandoning two large cooling pipes that went under HWY 10. These pipes used to carry water from the Mississippi to the Power Plant. Rachel hired divers to install permanent bulkheads on the river side so that we could dewater & setup additional bulkheads on the plant side. Once this was complete, Rachel hired a subcontractor to pump CLSM into the pipe so they could be abandon in place. The project was a success because another Rachel Project had the fill needed for restoration. It was a challenge because of the depth & groundwater of the 54″ pipes that needed to be abandon.


  • Import 46,400 CY of fill
  • Abandon 940 LF of 54″ Cooling Water Pipeline
  • 121,000 SF of Asphalt Pavement

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