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NE Athletic Field Park Contaminated Soil Remediation

Completion Date : November 2015

The project was part of a multi-phase project to remove contaminated urban fill from the NE Athletic Field Park in Minneapolis, MN. The project concentrated on 3 separate areas with high contaminates in the outfields of the existing baseball fields. Rachel utilized 17 tractor trailers and hauled off over 3,100 tons of contaminated soils and disposed of at the Waste Management Elk River Landfill. Rachel imported over 3,400 CY of granular borrow and topsoil to reconstruct the baseball outfields. The project was completed in 4 days, just in time before the cold temperatures and heavy snow fall rolled into Minnesota. The project was a great success and a perfect example of Rachel’s coordination and highly skilled employee performance. The project was completed on time, under budget and to great satisfaction of the owner and engineer.

“Braun Intertec Corporation (Braun) worked with Rachel Contracting, Inc. (Rachel) to implement Contaminated Soil Cleanup at the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Northeast Athletic Field Park. Rachel completed the work in less than one week, in a professional manner consistent with the expectations of Braun and the MPRB. Based on their performance on this and previous projects, I highly recommend Rachel for earthwork projects in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area,” Robert J. Rykken, PE, PG – Braun Intertec.

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